Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
1. How many people attend the N.C. Peach Festival?
A: By our estimation, we have 10,000 to 12,000 attendees each year.
2. Do you have peaches at the N.C. Peach Festival?
A: Yes, local peach growers set up booths at the festival each year and sell peaches. Our local growers also have peaches available for sale at their produce stands, located nearby. Keep in mind that peach prices are exclusively controlled by the peach growers. Prices are determined by availability and supply. The weather during the "growing season" is a huge factor in the supply that is available during "picking season". If various, possible weather events cause a shortage, the prices will be higher. If the growing season went well and the supply is high, prices will be lower. It's a basic rule of economics and the principle of supply & demand. It has nothing to do with the N.C. Peach Festival or price gouging.
Also, please note, the peach growers that reside here locally, will attend the festival as long as their supplies last at their own produce stands. This is also done at the peach grower's discretion. The N.C. Peach Festival does not have control over this decision. We work together the best we can to get them here, but like anything involving a growing season, Mother Nature plays a pivotal role in the outcome. Thank you for your understanding.
3. Is there an admission fee for the N.C. Peach Festival?
A: No, there is no fee for admission to the festival. It's free to all. However, our vendors do charge for their products/activities.
4. How can I become a Vendor for the N.C. Peach Festival? Vendor Applications will be released on January 31st.
A: Download the Vendor Application on the festival's website, fill it out, and email or mail it to the N.C. Peach Festival with the fee that corresponds with your booth space specifications. Once we receive your application and fee you will be added to the vendor list. We will mail you a letter of confirmation, and in mid-July we'll mail you a vendor packet containing festival day instructions, map, vendor space i.d., etc.
5. May I bring my dog to the festival?
A: Yes, you may bring your dog. However, you are responsible for picking up after him/her. ALSO, please keep in mind that the N.C. Peach Festival is held in July (a very hot month in the South). A lot of the festival is located along paved streets which also get hot. Please keep your pet's paws in mind when considering bringing them to the festival.
6. When is the N.C. Peach Festival held?
A: The official NORTH CAROLINA PEACH FESTIVAL IS ALWAYS HELD ON THE 3RD SATURDAY IN JULY, and the preceding Thursday and Friday! Three days of awesomeness!
7. How do I enter the N.C. Peach Festival Cooking Contest?
A: Once the updated Cooking Contest Forms are released on the N.C. Peach Festival website, you may download the form, fill it out completely, and drop it by or mail it to:
Montgomery Co. Cooperative Extension Agency
203 W. Main St.
Troy, NC 27371
All pre-registrations will be taken at Mont. Co. Extension Agency office through TBD. You may also call the Extension office Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM to register at 910-576-6011. The Cooking Contest is for Peach Dessert Entries Only. On the day of the Festival, July 19, 2025, you must bring your complete dish and a copy of your recipe to Candor Town Hall (214 S. Main St, Candor, NC 27229) at 8:00am. Prizes and dishes should be picked up IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PARADE.
8. Will there be Helicopter Tours?
A: Yes, if we have it listed in our activities the tour company will come, as long as the weather permits it. Flights will begin shortly after the parade, down in the Klaussner field, close to the old Depot on Railroad St. Directional signage will be on display to direct you, and shuttle carts may also be used to carry you there and back.
9. Will there be Vendors at the N.C. Peach Festival?
A: Yes, we do our best to have a variety of food (both, food truck & booth vendors), ice cream, slushies, lemonade, beer, wine, hand-crafted items, art, merchandise, toys, novelty items, and so on. There are also vendors attending that will provide an activity (e.g. inflatables, reptiles, face-painting, etc.). And since this is a source of income for most of our vendors they do charge for their merchandise, wares, & activities.
10. Will there be music?
A: Absolutely! We provide an excellent musical line-up on both Thursday and Friday evenings, and also, beginning on Saturday as soon as the parade is over.
11. Is there a charge for being in the Parade?
A: No, there is no charge for having an entry or entries in the Parade. We do however, encourage you to fill out the Parade Form or to call our office at (910)974-4221 to register your entry for the parade, along with your contact information. Parade Forms will be available in June on our website under the Festival Forms tab.
12. Who are the local peach growers?
A: Parson's Farm LLC, Hillcrest Peaches, Chappell Peaches, Kalawi Farm & Ben's Ice Cream - are all located on Hwy 211 between Candor and Eagle Springs, NC, They are all great produce stands and will be happy to assist you!